June 19, 2010

where do we go from here?

I just got back from CTCYM 2010 in Mcalester, OK.
How about love??
Love is work, love is words, love is taking care of people in need.
My work-team worked on a job site that involved painting an old church that had been burned. It was being redefined from a church into a home for homeless men. What a beautiful transformation it was. You see, we were redefining this place into a refuge for men who dont have homes, families, or a place to sleep, into a place where they can find peace. It's in this place that we find Jesus' mission to provide hope where there is no hope. Sure, we fail all the time. We fail at being encouraging, at being loving, and at providing hope. This week, a bunch of kids took time away from their comfort zone of A/C, games, and regular life to provide hope for men who are seeking to get their life right.

Jesus is hope. He is light in an ever-darkening world. He is love. Love is just not words, its providing food when there is none. Its providing a home when there is none. Its proving that love supercedes evil. What a beautiful testament to the love that He has shown us by showing grace to me, an ultimate sinner. A hopeless sinner lost in sin shown by grace to be worthy of a calling much higher than myself is love. Thank you Jesus for proving me worthy of a life full of love and life and joy. When a man who has no hope lays his head down he will know that God provides! When a sinner lost finds grace is the ultimate calling for all of us!

Grace. Grace. God's grace. Grace that will pardon and cleanse within! Grace that is greater than all our sin! Blessed be the name!

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